What?! July?!

Hello there!

I see it’s been a while since an update here! Well, with a growing business and a growing toddler time goes fast! We’ve had a busy and wonderful spring. Our amazing crew (if you haven’t checked out our ‘Team’ page, please do!) has been working since March seeding, planting, cultivating and weeding and we are now in the beginning of our peak season! Hello July! We’re so happy you’ve been able to join in the bounty with us so far.

We’ve started a new catering arm of the business while construction is underway at the ‘new’ building on the farm. Thanks to the support of our amazing community, we were approved by the Township to convert a house on the farm property into a farm kitchen, CSA pickup and aperitivo tasting room (details coming soonish!). In the meantime, our chefs Ian and Karl are doing private catering, bi-weekly take out meals and farm dinner pop-ups around the county. Check it all out here!

The not-so-exciting but necessary news to share right now is that Farmer Malaika injured her back a couple weeks ago. We all know farming is hard on the body and the harsh reality is that sometimes the body pushes back to say it’s time to take a break. With a herniated disc, it’s likely she’ll be out of commission for a few more weeks and peak season is a tough time to lose a key player. Our crew is amazing but they could definitely use a few more hands. We’re setting up come volunteer times in the next couple weeks to help give them a boost. We promise it will be fun and we’ll have snacks! Please consider coming out to help with a few projects. Check out the google form here for details and dates:


Thanks for joining us this season and we hope you are enjoying your veggies! We love growing for you and your family!

All our best,

Malaika, Breezy, Sam, Tammy, Kayla, McKenna, Shana, and Jade