The 1st Pick Up of 2020

The 1st CSA pick up has arrived! What a wild ride this spring has been. It was a slow start in many ways trying to navigate this new world we live in. We have been so grateful to have this farm to take care of and to have members to grow food for. While the weather kept our plants small for many weeks, the past 10 days of mostly sunshine have set off a wonderful amount of growth. Our amazing crew of dedicated people have been working non-stop to plant, weed, feed and trellis our crops so that the next few months of harvesting can go smoothly. We have only just begun the real work of the season and we are so excited for things to come. In the meantime, we cannot wait to bunch some big juicy radishes, large tender kale and long awaited carrots from our hightunnel (seeded in early march!) for you this week.

We thank you so much for joining us and we ask for your patience as we figure out our new systems of packing and distribution - this is all new to us! We think it will work out great, but we appreciate your flexibility as we go through our learning curve. Thank you.

Here are some scenes from the last couple weeks on the farm: tomatoes and carrots and in our hightunnel, garlic scapes curling around each other in the field, putting down landscape fabric between the tomato rows in the field to prevent weeds, radishes and greens ready to be harvested! (everything covered in row cover to prevent pest damage), and the colorful lettuce patch!

Here is what will be available to choose for your share:

garlic scapes (bunch)

fresh garlic stalks (2 stalks)

head lettuce (green and red)

salad mix (bag)

curly kale (bunch)

tuscan kale (bunch)

radish (bunch)

purple daikon (pound)

carrots (bunch) limit 1

arugula (bunch) limit 1

spicy greens (bag) limit 1

scallions (bunch)

kimchi (jar)

baby napa cabbage

We also have lots of beautiful plants for your garden that can be ordered as an “item”!

You can order your box here, if you don’t have a chance to order we will pack a “farmer’s choice” box for you.

The rest of the details of pickups will be sent over email.

Here is a recipe for the week:

Garlic Scape Aoli

2 bunches garlic scapes, cleaned and roasted
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

Place garlic scapes on cookie sheet and roast them for 15 minutes at 375 degrees with salt and a little bit of oil. Cool and chop them and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix in a blender until everything is well combined. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Use as your favorite summer sandwich spread or dip for grilled veggies.

You can find hundreds more recipes by the listed alphabetically by produce item on our website.

Thank you and we hope you have a great week!