Our Market Share offers the convenience of the one-stop shop at the farmer's market. Pay-ahead for your veggies at our farm market and receive a discount on your account. No need to worry about missing a market or having enough cash. With the Market Share you choose what you want, when you want and support the farm with a pre season payment.
Market Share Members begin the season with a discounted debit account at our Roots to River Market at the Doylestown Farmers Market from June through November/December. Members can come to the stand whenever they want throughout the season and can choose whatever they like from the farm stand (except for flowers), then the value of the vegetables is taken off the off of their account. You can add money to your account at any time.
Small share, $250 (8% discount)
Medium Share, $375 (10% discount)
Large Share, $500 (12% discount)
Super Share, $800 (16% discount)
Click here to sign up!